Right now we just want to address the struggle some Christians have with masturbation, in a devotional way in particular. We have talked about using masturbation for 3-D purposes. One of those purposes is devotion. In other words, we believe that any Christian believer can and should use masturbation in a time of devotion to God. That is simply the time when they can surrender / dedicate their sexuality to God whilst reflecting on its physical and spiritual aspects. Masturbation brings out both these physical and spiritual aspects of a person’s sexuality because sexual activity is both physical and spiritual in nature, inherently. When a married couple have sexual intercourse, they are reflecting these aspects of their sexuality to each other as well as to God. But there is something to be achieved by a personal devotion of sexuality where there is no other person present. Sexual activity in the Christian context takes place either by a believer by themselves in God’s presence, or between two believers who are married to each other, in God’s presence. The Church has long denied that sexual activity undertaken by a Christian solo is acceptable in God’s presence. We are asserting that it is. We are asserting that a Christian can do 3-D masturbation in a solo, personal context where the knowledge of what takes place is just between them and God, if they are single, or if they are married without their spouse being present. We have stated this numerous times elsewhere in this blog in particular.
We felt at this point there would naturally be a lot of Christians who struggle with masturbation because they fail to understand its purposes. We are unaware of any established public ministries within the evangelical church that expound the same thinking as we do. But we hope to see them develop in the future. We want to write a specific devotion here to encourage Christians who masturbate, and we’ll draw on the concept that as a personal devotion, masturbation is essentially an act of worship. We more commonly think of worship as music, but the true meaning of the word is any devotional act done to God, which puts worship into the context of being our whole life as Christians.
Then think of what we use our hands for. Musicians in particular play notes of worship music on instruments using their fingers. With the same fingers, we masturbate. Let’s think of masturbating as a bit like playing musical notes, except that the instruments are our own bodies, but the notes are just as much acts of worship as real music played on real musical instruments.
We trust and hope that you are able to realise the understanding of masturbation as a personal devotion, as an act of worship just like we have described it above.