This article really covers sexual beauty and it addresses specifically the expression of this in singleness. We could have equally used another title, but we seem to be needing repeat some of our earlier themes, so instead of replacing the first article with the same title as this one, we’ll go for a second article with the same title (a second part).
The important theme for today is being sexually beautiful just for you. As a godly woman, you are inclined to see the sexual aspect of your physical beauty as being mainly in relevance to relationship with other people, especially if you are married, as it will be in relationship with your husband that you will most likely view things. However whether you are married or not, but with greater relevance if you are not, we believe you can place your sexual beauty into a context that is just between you and God.
What we mean to address with this post is that you are allowed to be sexy and beautiful just for yourself. Your physical sexuality and the impact of it upon your appearance is something that glorifies your physical body in the eyes of God, and it does this regardless of your relationship status. Getting to like and accept your physical body is naturally something that really works wonders for your self-esteem. And in actuality, this includes your physical sexuality and sexual beauty. We believe essentially that this is part of sexual development which occurs during singleness to prepare you for any future marriage you may enter, or alternatively, it occurs during a lifetime of singleness should you not enter into a future marriage.
Being horny is equally a part of your sexual beauty. It is also a natural part of your sexuality, and if wearing nice looking underwear or sleeping in bed naked makes you horny, then that is also a valid part of developing your sexual identity. Masturbation is the obvious response to becoming horny and sends you a lot of other good messages about your sexuality and your body as a single woman. So you can use sexual devotion as a time to receive in various different ways, good messages about your body from the core premise that your sexuality is of great worth in God’s sight and that, especially as a single woman, you still have the opportunity to have a sexual outlet that is deeply reflective of the glorious creation of your amazing physical design.