We don’t write this blog to castigate or marginalise people whose views we disagree with. When we post something that we might not completely agree with, we just post a note to that effect. And whilst in this case we aren’t in complete agreement with the author of this article, we do take a very keen interest in misogyny, especially when it occurs in the Church. This blog isn’t about politics, and so you won’t find us taking political stands on the controversial issues of sexuality. What does matter to us is finding ways to bridge the gaps on a down to earth, coalface level, one person at a time. And we might not be able to bridge all the gaps. We might be able to bridge a gap in evangelical understanding about sexuality, but we might not be able to bridge a much bigger gap that has led to a person turning away from their faith and walking out of their evangelical community. Ultimately some of those really big questions involve a person’s own relationship with God and can only be solved directly in communion with Him.
Anyway here is the article by Lyz Lenz published on Medium, which is her account of discovering truths about her femininity and female sexuality that her church never told her about. We’re guessing her account refers to multiple different churches rather than a single one, but it portrays an all-too-familiar picture of how conservative churches marginalise women by denying their humanity and sexuality. It seems the Church will be the last bastion of misogyny in society and that’s really disturbing.