These are the key principles which have been arrived at for this ministry. Each principle links to a summary in a separate post and they can all be found together by looking up the Key Principles category.
- Christian sexuality as it is defined in this blog at all times affirms certain traditional norms of sexual gender and identity; covenantal marriage between a man and a woman; the exclusivity of sexual relationship within a marriage; and the principles of Christian egalitarianism for everyday life and ministry service. Christians are expected to be active members of churches that uphold these beliefs.
- Healthy sexuality for Christians encompasses dividing sexuality into physical, sexual and spiritual components, and activities into categories of sexual development, sexual discipline and sexual devotion. Specific awareness is needed for groups of Christians such as those who are neurodiverse that may struggle to develop healthy sexuality and require additional support.
- Sexual development for Christians encourages healthy masturbation from adolescence for life as an activity that can assist in developing self awareness of personal sexuality; assist in recovering from sexuality challenges such as loss of spouse, birth trauma etc; reinforce spiritual integrity in relation to primary relationships for singles or married.
- Sexual discipline for Christians requires strong control of desires/drives in public settings; maintaining fidelity and celibacy whilst single; maintaining fidelity and monogamy in marriage. Differences in drives/desires often exist between husband/wife in a marriage and also in different spiritual contexts as those in ministry often have higher levels of drive/desire.
- Sexual devotion for Christians is spending time in personal devotion particularly focusing on sexuality and spiritually reinforcing all aspects of sexuality in their faith. Singles have a primary devotion to God, whilst married have both a primary devotion directly with God and a secondary devotion indirectly through marital sexual relations.
- Masturbation is a healthy and effective mechanism for practically applying 3D / PSS principles to personal sexuality at all adolescent or adult life stages.
- Childhood masturbation is purely for physical pleasure. Children who choose to masturbate / orgasm should be supported in accordance with norms of age-specific awareness of their sexuality.
- Masturbation may be used by single adolescents or adults according to specific principles to avoid lust /sexual addiction / sexual idolatry.
- Masturbation may be used in a marriage context by husbands and wives individually or together for particular reasons. The married should incorporate gap times/days where they can individually practice the 3-D principles in relation to their own sexuality in order to ensure their best engagement during marital relations.
- Practical limits should exist on the number of orgasms permitted daily by child, adolescent or adult Christians whether single or married. Sexual addiction must be avoided at all times by following specific principles. Prohibitions also exist in relation to certain sexual practices which are found worldwide.
- Physical engagement sexuality principles are relevant most strongly in marital relations between husbands and wives in relation to several particular areas of the body. These can also be specific areas of understanding and focus for singles for sexual development.
- Visual materials can be used in various contexts by singles and married people. Various standards apply to each context. Pornographic web sites carry considerable risks relating to extreme depictions of sexual activity and should be avoided by Christians, with web filtering used if possible to protect children from accessing them.
This page may be updated at any time without notice. This is revision 2.1 of 2024-02-01.