As is generally seen throughout this blog, we advocate that masturbation plays an important role in sexual development for Christians. Sexual development is important throughout our lives, but it naturally begins at adolescence, when our bodies begin to develop from childhood into adulthood. This phase of sexual development is noted in particular for the physical changes in our bodies and is therefore the most significant step in the development of our sexuality overall. However, we do believe that the process of sexual development happens continuously throughout life, but this is where it begins. Adolescent sexual development, since it produces large physical changes in our bodies, and coincides with the other processes of the transition into adulthood, such as developing the capacity to become independent of our parents, is a time of considerable adjustment and accommodation for both males and females.
The big issues for adolescents are these physical changes combined with the developing awareness of the physical aspects of sexuality. A female becomes more aware of the sexuality of specific areas of her body and the degree to which males objectify them. She develops the necessary skills in deflecting unwanted attention (and regrettably, in learning how to protect herself from physical assault). She’ll learn a lot about relationships during this period of her life, but she can also learn how to build her self confidence in expressing her sexuality with her body. In an ideal world, the styles of clothing and other general appearance factors for an average woman would not excite much criticism, but unfortunately, there are still very many negative factors in society against females in general, with a part of the Church responsible for a theological and doctrinal aspect of this. Males have a somewhat easier journey at adolescence with less complex sexuality in general. The key relevant and important factors for a guy to take in with regard to his sexual development is personal responsibility. In a society that still entrenches sexism at many levels and in which the widespread availability of pornography that exploits this is of great concern, the Church has a responsibility to convey a different set of values about male sexuality, which again is opposed by a conservative element.
We are writing this article whilst exploring the stages of adolescent sexual development without recourse at this time to much academic knowledge of the subject, primarily because we feel it is more appropriate to focus this article practically on the way that the Church and Christian parents should respond to the challenges their children face during puberty. We evidently consider masturbation of key importance for this phase of personal development and are focusing mainly on the role it can play in a healthy level of sexual development. When adolescents first begin to masturbate, the key focus will mainly be about pleasure. But as development proceeds further, other considerations will come into play. He/she will become more aware of his/her sexuality in general and the role it plays in his/her life, and as he/she progresses from a child to an adult over adolescence, masturbation can become more focused on supporting adolescent sexual development more generally, and in life and faith, more 3-D focused.
The key contribution Christian parents can make to their child’s adolescent phase is to provide them with a supportive home, family and faith environment particularly as it relates to sex education and other important guidance components that are in harmony with the principles we have outlined in this web site. It is especially important that they ensure their child has sufficient privacy such as having his/her own bedroom during this period of life, since the development of his/her personal faith and his/her physical body including sexuality, all involve times of devotion and reflection, including self-discovery and masturbation. It is also very important to encourage him/her to talk openly about his/her personal challenges in discovering and developing his/her sexuality, and seek counsel on any of these which may be relevant.