Category: Procreation Sexuality

  • Sexuality & Spirituality of Procreation [3]: Miscarriage, Abortion & Sterility

    We’ve made this a new series by adding two previous articles that we wrote into the series. It’s possible we may have other articles to add to the series after reviewing previous posts and then the title numbering may change slightly. However we will ensure the URLs don’t change. Both the issues of miscarriage and…

  • Feminine Christian Sexuality: God Gave You Breasts

    It’s taken us a long time to write this post even though it seems the subject material is obvious because a lot of society sexualises the female breast, and therefore it must be a key part of female sexuality, right? Whilst it is true that breasts are part of a woman’s sexuality, we believe they…

  • Feminine Christian Sexuality: God Made You Maternal (v2)

    The main focus of this article is to Christian mothers or mothers-to-be, although we are going to specifically focus on the challenges of sexuality for mothers who are either pregnant or in the early post-natal phase. We also believe it has relevance to the husband-wife relationship regardless of whether there are any children in the family.…

  • Sexuality & Spirituality of Procreation [2]: Sexuality of Labour and Birth

    This topic is rather interesting due to work done by Debra Pascali-Bonaro as detailed in her Orgasmic Birth website and publications. The basis of Pascali-Bonaro’s premise is that all stages of pregnancy, including birth, should be considered sexual acts by the pregnant mother. Her work is based on the natural birth movement but also compels…

  • Sexuality & Spirituality of Procreation [1]: Masturbation During Pregnancy

    This is a topic we’ve touched on before. We are drawing information from some third party websites as well as offering some insights of our own. It has become a particular focus for us recently in supporting some pregnant women in our community. Sex in the context of pregnancy isn’t solely limited to the act…