Striking A Blow For Sexuality Liberation: Key Spiritual Principles of Orgasm

This might just be the last post on this blog before it gets closed down and condensed into another blog. We see big development in our ministry coming about in the near future, and that means that our focus would change from this standalone blog, into a blogging platform that covers a range of theological subjects and issues in society. We are taking some initial steps towards this possibility, because we feel that this blog has just about run its course. In the meantime it will stay up, but without further updates.

The topic we most want to address today are the key spiritual principles of orgasm. We understand orgasm broadly speaking as the physiological reaction that takes place at the peak of sexual arousal for both men and women. When a husband and wife are making love together, they often try to coordinate their degree of arousal so that they achieve orgasm at about the same time, allowing them to share the deepest levels of sexual intimacy and vulnerability together simultaneously. In this post, we are exploring some key spiritual concepts that we believe are expressed in orgasm, and the natural extension of these concepts, as is consistent with much of what is stated elsewhere in this blog, is what an individual man or woman can achieve in a spiritual context from an orgasm achieved in masturbation. Since we already regard masturbation as being able to be applied into a context of personal worship with God, it follows that we expect that the orgasm which takes place as the peak of sexual arousal achieved from masturbation in worship, will have important ramifications for individually or personally expressed ministries such as intercession or spiritual growth.

We recently obtained new insight into the importance and relevance of masturbation as what we believe to be a key spiritual discipline for male leadership in the church, especially where it makes an important contribution to sexual purity. We understand that some young men in our circle of influence have received direct calling to masturbation at the onset of adolescence as being an essential contributor to the development of sexual, physical and spiritual maturity, for roles they are being called to in future church leadership. In our own ministry, masturbation is an essential component of intercession for healing of sexuality issues in other believers’ lives. In recent times, a large spiritual burden for a number of adolescents in a particular church youth ministry has been overcome by intercessorily ministering freedom through a masturbation session. It must therefore become apparent that an important component of orgasm achieved through masturbation in an intercessory context is releasing spiritual freedom into the lives of others. Since masturbation is always practiced either in private or in the sole presence of a spouse, intercession is the only type of ministry in which practicing orgasm through masturbation is able to be used.

We are therefore in this post advocating that orgasm achieves a spiritual as well as a physical release. Whilst we believe the primary engagement that women have with orgasm is spiritual (intimacy with God at the time of climax) whereas for men it is physical (experience of pleasure), the outcomes are likely similar and therefore have application to spiritual ministry, growth and discipline, much as we have already outlined and documented earlier in this blog. Sexuality liberation is not by any means the same as sexual liberalism; the former term is related purely to the spiritual freedom that comes from breakthrough in ministry or prayer.