Feminine Christian Sexuality: God Gave You Breasts

It’s taken us a long time to write this post even though it seems the subject material is obvious because a lot of society sexualises the female breast, and therefore it must be a key part of female sexuality, right? Whilst it is true that breasts are part of a woman’s sexuality, we believe they are not actually a sexual organ, and therefore there is no specific spiritual aspect of the contribution they often make to sexual pleasure that a woman receives. As a woman, you can touch your breasts any amount you like but this is not actually a sexual act, otherwise breastfeeding would be an act of sexual interaction between yourself and your baby, which clearly is not the case. So any type of activity that involves you touching your breasts or letting someone else touch them, is not actually inherently sexual in nature. Given those facts, we’ve taken our time to consider what is the relevance of breasts to a woman’s sexuality and have just come up with the subject material for this post, so here we go.

Your breasts do have a very key aspect of spirituality attached to them that does have some sexual overtones. This is because your breasts are one of the parts of your body that is associated with creating and nurturing life, which is a key spiritual aspect that is intimately connected with your reproductive system. There are obviously key spiritual aspects to procreation, so at the point where you have sex with your husband, where you conceive a child and undergo pregnancy for the full number of months, this is evidently a very spiritual time of your life. It can also be a very sexual time for you, but that is a separate issue that we have addressed in other posts. Once you have given birth, then breastfeeding your baby is a very spiritual activity because it is the sole feeding activity for the first months of the baby’s life, and thus itself gives life to the baby. (It is also something that is sexual for a lot of women because you are likely to become aroused due to stimulation of your nipples by the baby during feeding, and we do recommend that after putting the baby down, you should take the opportunity to masturbate to orgasm, because especially during the early post-pregnancy weeks, masturbation helps restore your sexuality back to normal after the trauma of the birth)

So your breasts through the bringing of life to your baby are part of a spiritual activity. Can this happen at other times? We believe that at least symbolically, other activities involving your breasts can have a spiritual aspect to them. Whilst we have outlined above that we don’t accept that any breastful activity engages with your spirit in the way a regular sexual activity would, we believe that conceptually, the concept of bringing life is relevant to activities that have a sexual aspect to them. At all times regardless of whether you are lactating or not, your breasts are capable of sexually arousing you.

If you are a single adult or an adolescent woman, we recommend you spend a reasonable amount of time self-sexualising your breasts, so that you can get horny by looking at them or feeling them swinging around on your chest. We also recommend that you go without a bra as much as you possibly can (you may still want to wear a loose garment such as a camisole between your breasts and your shirt to make your breasts less visible through clothing, but not restrained as a bra would). We make this comment because we believe bras are unnatural, and there is even a school of thought that they may increase the risk of breast cancer. If you are swimming, of course, you’ll want to cover them up. But in any case the movement of your breasts isn’t obscene and doesn’t need to be restrained. As with discussion about other body parts, our key theme is that you personally own your breasts and the right to enjoy sexual pleasure from them in your own right; no one else owns any of this, nor are you obligated to share these things in any way. We suggest that you assert that ownership by regularly caressing your breasts as much as possible during a masturbation session, ensuring they contribute maximally to helping you reach orgasm. If you are adolescent, this is an important part of your sexual development as well as helping you to assert your physical sovereignty more firmly with other people, especially guys, in order to remain sexually pure throughout your single years. It’s especially useful and necessary if you have larger breasts that tend to attract more unwanted attention, and careful choice of clothing can help deflect that as well.

In marital sexual intimacy, the life that your breasts bring is conceptually given by sharing them with your husband. Obviously men find breasts very sexually desirable, and we advocate that you affirm this desirability in regular masturbation if it helps you respond more positively to your husband  when he starts eyeing up or brushing against your breasts. We also recommend that you develop alternative forms of sexual interaction that make your breasts the centre of activity, for example you could let your husband caress and kiss your breasts while you masturbate to orgasm, and then finish him off in some way. Lots of women have reservations especially as they get older about having a lot of penetrative sex but are much more open about other forms of sexual intimacy and you are likely to be open to more of that if your husband removes the pressure from you to be penetrated every time. He can of course do that by taking care of his own orgasm and from our other posts we can see this is already on our list of recommendations. We suggest that you be willing to let him have your breasts more often as a reward for taking that pressure off you and both of you can still have a really sexually pleasurable time by masturbating together whilst you also share the task of caressing and stimulating your breasts, which he is always going to love. He is also going to love seeing you respond sexually to breast action and especially if he can watch you masturbate whilst he is also doing that to himself, so your breasts can contribute a lot more to sex than just the early foreplay stage of penetrative intercourse.



