“Challenging Sexist Stigmas Around Female Masturbation”

We’ve been reading a lot on Medium lately, and came across these two articles by the same author. Whilst we don’t agree with every single word she says, we do endorse the general approach:

At the same time, we’ve been taking in a variety of Christian views about the subject, which unsurprisingly are quite diverse and varied. It is certainly a good thing in this day and age that there are Christian authors and leaders who are prepared to challenge the common assertion that masturbation is inherently sinful or harmful and that Christians shouldn’t practice it. Jessica Harris is the latest we’ve been reading on this subject in her book “Beggar’s Daughter”, and Harris says that whilst she does not recommend masturbation, she recognises there are situations where it may be used that do not warrant condemnation and shame being heaped on someone’s head. We assert that a Christian woman who practices masturbation as an act of worship is enhancing her sexual purity, not detracting from it, and that therefore it should be considered as a very useful tool for helping Christian women to address the various pressures they are placed under in relation to their sexuality.